About Me

Ayyy, my name is Alex King and this is my blog here you can see my Media A2 blog containing all the preperation and build up for my short film; Light Through Darkness' Thankyou

Friday 16 December 2011

Similar Blindness films

Ray is very similar to our film in many ways, the short taster clip begins showing the mother son bond, we see her cuddling him which shows the close knit relationship and love she has for him-we also see signs of heartbreak once they find out Ray is going to turn blind due to a rare condition. All of these factors helped us when we wanted to follow a specific film and all its aspects; Ray was the most suited of the bunch because we could easily follow the conventions plus adding more onto it.
The soft touching music also plays a HUGE part in reaching out to the audience and grabbing thier attention-the music is soft and soothing and really makes the audience feel some sort of passion/pitty for the main character. The trailer has alot of fades to black to hepl show passing time of=ver his life story aand from one event to another, we also incoorporated many fades to black, similarly to Ray we made sure our character wore sunglasses always to make sure the audience knew what was going on. Ray also has ghosting effects to show how the charcter is changing over time we did this and linked the changing of music from sorrowful to up-beat to make sure viewers can notice the storyline changing from how it was in the begining.

The moral of this film doesnt seem to follow the conventions of a noraml blindpersons life so we did not aim to work solely off of this short clip, we did in fact take some little tips such as using the grey wash over shots to show blindness from the audirnces point of view, also the fades to black come into playt alot with diegetic sounds. within the place where the blind people are being kept we see the use the wall to help guide them as they walk, from this we added more technique into how we wanted our actor to move psychically.

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