About Me

Ayyy, my name is Alex King and this is my blog here you can see my Media A2 blog containing all the preperation and build up for my short film; Light Through Darkness' Thankyou

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Film poster 1


  1. First impression of the poster to me is a teenage film based on our century and the fact that the young man is wearing sun shades it makes it look more of a urban aspect.
    The blending of the two images came out very good because you can see the fading in and out of the top image into the bottom image and it makes it look more professional were as if it was just two images plotted on the poster format it would look plain.
    Another good aspect on this poster is the use of font which blends in with the theme because its simple and doesnt have any curly or swishing fonts to it. The tag line "Some journeys go further then you could have ever imagined" is very powerful because it links in with the theme.
    Overall this poster doesnt really fall into the theme of the film and it could have been pretty much more effective to show that its about a blind boy however the work effort behind it is great. I am impressed Alex !

  2. My first impressions on the film poster are that I love the white fading effect that is used, I feel that it matches the title. The layout of the poster meets the codes and conventions of film posters that have been researched. The film poster has successfully represented the film you can tell that this film is a going to be a drama.

  3. I like the contrast or the stages of his life, from the flashback to after the accident , it gives the audeince a sense of the mood and theme of the film. I also think that the idea of the light coming through the poster links in with the title of your film "light through darkness".
    Shows a good level of editing considering you used word :)

  4. i like this poster, it is very well designed and i like the layout. Again the fade of the first picture really represents your title of light through darkness. The writting looks abit to much and in your face, which takes away from the well designed pictures
