About Me

Ayyy, my name is Alex King and this is my blog here you can see my Media A2 blog containing all the preperation and build up for my short film; Light Through Darkness' Thankyou

Thursday 24 November 2011

Poster Research 4

Poster 4

I love the effect of there being peoples reflection in the sunglasses, this will go well with our blind actors shades and maybe reflections of his mother, friends and the car from the accident, straight away people who look at the poster will think what is this film about. We want to create a poster-interesting enough to leave questions in their heads as to what comes next.

The reflexioin of other characters is a cleaver way to introduce other charcters who feature in the film, the reflexion can also further more detailed analysis which the audience can take away with them. The backgroud of hios face is very faded compare to the other charachters which could suggest he is different from the rest; we wanted to show he is seen as an outcast due to having a disabillity, in this case blindness. I belive the tagline at the top of ther poster is plain and straight foward but at the same time highligh recogniseable and clear-this is exaclty what we wanted to show.
 The title 'acolytes' is a faded effect-represent 'Light through Darkness'. This shows exactly what we wanted to show.                          

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