About Me

Ayyy, my name is Alex King and this is my blog here you can see my Media A2 blog containing all the preperation and build up for my short film; Light Through Darkness' Thankyou

Thursday 24 November 2011

Poster Research 1

Poster 1

Buried, directed by Rodrigo Cortes, will be released on the 29th of September 2010.
This poster uses a similar clever styling to portray what is to come within the film, The mixture of writing and text demonstrate what the film may be about and also can highlight what the main protagonist is like and his aims and objectives.

I believe this poster style will match our film because our film revolves around a devastating accident which leaves the main actor with extreme flashbacks and bad thoughts (Traumatised) things often run through his mind and this can be made clear by cleverly writing things about the crash on the poster, this will raise awareness and urge the audience into wanting to see more.

The poster immediately caught my eye, all the writing urges you to read it and gives you a clear insight into what we are trying to convey, this stood out to me because we could fill the text with thoughts running through kieranns head after and before the car crash, this will portray the understanding of mental problems/obstacles. We want people to automatically feel a sense of understanding about the film before watching it-we dont want to give away too much information, only little teasers.

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