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Ayyy, my name is Alex King and this is my blog here you can see my Media A2 blog containing all the preperation and build up for my short film; Light Through Darkness' Thankyou

Thursday 24 November 2011

Poster Research 2

Poster 2
We followed the film Ray very closely because of the same storyline and ideas. I believe we could use this poster because our protagonist has been permanently blinded but also rejoiced with confidence and belief, this can be shown through the colourful background.

The poster really stands out and grabs the viewers attention, it urges the viewer to want to learn more about what's to come next and what the film is actually about.
This is exactly what we wanted to show through our poster-we wanted our audience to straight away want to learn more about the film. The coloring red and yellow really does symbolises a positive ending; we didnt know if this kind of colouring might portray the main character of having a all round easy life which he enjoys-somehow we wanted to show a struggle and disheartend feellings-the coloring might confuse the audience and give them the wrong idea about the film as a whole.

Except for the colorful background, the rest of the poster is very plain and simple-it looks very professional and eye catching; if we did choose to go with recreating this poster we would definately have to go with using photoshop software. I am not very used to photoshop technologies, as a result it might not look professional, it may look extremely amtureish and this isnt what we intended to do in our poster.

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